domingo, 11 de setembro de 2011

Lady Gaga is no make-up cover of "Harper's Bazaar."

Lady Gaga posed with the clean face for the new issue of "Harper's Bazaar." For publication, the American singer talked about the person behind all the costumes and, therefore, ruled out any kind of production for the photo shoot. "Whether I'm wearing too much makeup, or anything, still the same person inside," he said.

On his outrageous style, the singer said it was "all for art." "I do not really see it as something 'natural'. I think this device is the new reality. It's actually being sincere and honest with what you do," he said. "I think the most amazing in my relationship with the public is that they always expect the unexpected from me."

Happy the way it is, Gaga believed to have a "free spirit". "Even when I was little I used to run naked with my nanny, and I drove her crazy with it." On good form, the singer revealed some of his tricks. "I do Yoga, Bikram, run and have a really healthy diet. My job just feeds me. I'm working on so much."

In the interview, the singer added that he is a loner. "When you spend so much time alone as I get used to the loneliness and hugs. When I'm alone, I write, I imagine, I create things and decide how I want to make my future presentations. I do not have much free time."

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